Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to pick up your home and go
anywhere you like? I believe being locked down in a mobile
home would have been much easier to endure! As a teacher, my
lockdown ended a bit sooner than others and I’m fortunate to
work with an amazing group of ladies who made returning to a
‘bubble’ a lot less painful than it could have been. It is now the
summer holidays and as a thank you gift I’ve made them each a
little travelling snail! We stay in touch through social media and
I get daily updates on their little snail friends as they go about
their travels this summer! Who will you make a travelling snail for?
• about 8g of 4ply yarn in at least 2 contrasting colours.
I used a combination of left over Sirdar Snuggly 4ply and Peter pan 4ply to create
the snails in the pictures. (If substituting DK yarn, use 3.5 mm needles instead.
You’ll have a slightly larger snail!)
3 mm Straight needles
Other supplies:
Toy stuffing
Tapestry Needle
2 small safety eyes (6 mm diameter)
13 cm long from tip of antennae to end of body
[ ] x times: Knit the instructions between the brackets x amount of times.
; rep from to end: Repeat the instructions between the * and ; until the end of
the row.
st(s): stitch(es)
K: knit, if followed by a number, knit that amount of stitches
P: purl
St st: stocking stitch: alternate a row of knitting and a row of purling.
K2tog: knit two stitches together knitwise.
P2tog: purl two stitches together purlwise.
Kfb: knit in the front and back of the stitch, creating an increase.
Pattern instructions:
Using chosen shell colour, cast on 20 sts
Row 1-50: St st 50 rows.
Cast off and using mattress st sew along the side seam. Stuff lightly and roll up, securing with a few stitches along the way.

Using chosen snail colour, cast on 24 sts.
Row 1-30: St st 30 rows.
Row 31: [K1, kfb , k1] 8 times. 32 sts
Row 32 and all even rows: P.
Row 33: [K1, kfb , k2] 8 times. 40 sts
Row 35: [K2, kfb , k2] 8 times. 48 sts
Row 36-42: St st 7 rows.
Row 43: [K2, k2tog, k2] 8 times. 40 sts
Row 45: [k2, k2tog, k1] 8 times. 32 sts
Row 47: [K1, k2tog, k1] 8 times. 24 sts
Row 49: [K1, k2tog] 8 times. 16 sts
row 51: [K2tog] 8 times. 8 sts
Break yarn and thread through rem. sts. Pull tight and
fasten. Using mattress st sew along the side seam and
stu . Attach 2 safety eyes and embroider a smile. Close
the cast on edge and secure to the shell to the snail.
bend the snail upwards and secure the side of the head
to the side of the snail.
Antennae: make two
Cast on 8 sts in the same colour as body
Row 1-4: St st 4 rows.
Row 5: [Kfb ] 8 times. 16 sts
Row 6: P.
Row 7: [K2tog] 8 times.
Break yarn and thread through rem. sts. Pull tight and
fasten. Using mattress st sew along the side seam and
secure to the top of the head.

I hope you will enjoy knitting your own little travelling snails! Please note: no part of this pattern may be reproduced or sold without consent.
© Copyright 2024 Cilla Webb - Cilla’s Purls