There's a new pattern for you to try out! If you purchase this pattern before the end of May, you get an additional 25% discount (Ravelry promotion only, discounted at checkout)
This little collection is called 'Under the Sea'... I bet you can guess why!

Admittedly, I seem to have a slight obsession with mermaids as this is the third mermaid I designed. However, once she came to live, she simply needed a friend to keep her company. It started off with a whale… but then the whale seemed a little lonely so along came a shark. Then my boys insisted on a walrus after watching an episode on Blue Planet and the narwhal and orca quickly followed suit.

My 5 year old Taylan simply adores this little set and has spent hours playing with them so far. They are perfect for little hands and he even loves stacking them one on top of the other and then watching them tumble down.

Each little toy is a perfect stash buster. I have included the yarns I used, but must admit that most of these were in my bag of left overs from previous projects. I’m quite pleased I managed to give some of those little balls a purpose, however hubby thinks my left over bag is still too big… back to the drawing board I guess… I wonder what they’ll turn into next.